Welcome To

Eirianlys Music



Listen Now To Our
Full Collection!

Our Collection Is Now Live On SoundCloud
where you can Listen to The Music and even Download a few Free Sample Tracks. 

Follow the links on details provided to find each one directly in the eBay Store
where you can purchase your preferred Royalty Free Charity Album(s)!

Eirianlys Music &
Hope House / Tŷ Gobaith

Hope House Tŷ Gobaith Supports Children With Terminal, Life-Limiting or Complex Illnesses in North Wales, Cheshire & Shropshire

  • Respite Care
  • Care For Young People
  • ​Antenatal And Neonatal Support
  • ​End Of Life Care And Immediate Care After Death
  • ​Counselling & Bereavement Support
  • ​Sibling Support
  • ​Social Work

For The Love Of Music & Children

This Is All About Eirianlys

Based in Eryri
(aka Snowdonia), North Wales

Eirianlys Music is a Small, Personal Independent Studio that Writes, Records & Produces a Myriad of Unique and Different ROYALTY FREE Albums Supporting Charities*.

A Unique & Dynamic Blend of Original Music, Old Favourites, Classics, & Instrumentals are packed onto Every One of the CD Albums

* ALL CHARITY CD ALBUMS are Sold EXCLUSIVELY in our eBay Store & have continually raised funds for Children's Charities. All Donations are directly sent to The Charities via PayPal.

Eirianlys Music Is A Small, Personal Studio in
Eryri, North Wales

It was founded to specifically make affordable
ROYALTY FREE MUSIC for people to use and enjoy -
Inspired By A Fundraising Challenge Given By BBC Children In Need...

Do Something Different For Children In Need

And Many, Many Years Later, This Still Inspires
and Drives
Eirianlys Music To Continue With This Venture.

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