"ROYALTY FREE" basically means -- * You don't have to worry about paying any "Royalties" or "PRS/PPL" fees to use it. You're free to Broadcast it in any commercial area, known as "In The Public Domain" -- i.e: in Shops, Hair Salons, Cafes & Restaurants, Hotels & on the Internet, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook your own website for whatever you want, Personally or Professionally. Without breaking any copyright laws or infringements, or having to pay extra for any Royalties Licenses, either.
When Music Is Released To The General Public, the music is Copywritten [colloquially called "copywrited"], and that means it belongs only to the people who made it, and therefore must be Paid for Using It - that can be songwriters, singers, production company, record label, and any other of a myriad of interested parties that are directly to be paid for ANY use of their Product [the songs, the music, the released Singles or Albums, etc].
These interested parties might allow use of their Product "In Public", but it would be "under License" -- meaning they're allowing you to have some use of it, for a particular reason (anything from use on Radio Stations, or Being A DJ, to even making a Cover Remake as a Production of your own) for payment.
It's not unlike Renting, if you want to see it that way -- Where you sign a contract to give someone money for the use of their Property; except this is for music, not a home. And Just like Renting - if you want to use it, you have to pay up.
Using Music In Public means you have to pay Licensing Fees [specifically] to PRS, PPL & MCPS. And "In Public", unfortunately that does means, well, anywhere. It also means Anywhere ONLINE, too.
So, anything posted onto YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Instagram, Facebook or just about anywhere else for anything Public will need to PAY for Licensing Copywritten Music to be used in ANY capacity.
Even for your home movies, if they're being loaded into the Public Domain, for everyone in the Universe to "Like" your last family holiday or Baby's First Steps on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc (but this does not include making i.e. a Baby's 1st Birthday video and showing it privately to [only] friends and relatives at home, for instance) .
And This Is Why Choose ROYALTY FREE
Music that is Royalty Free means that the Artist(s) have decided to either waive their Royalty Fees altogether, or have them paid "In Advance", so to speak, by the Customer paying a Single Price Upfront for Unlimited Use of that Product. And quite often that makes it Quite Expensive - but it will cost a lot less than paying the Licence fees required otherwise.
Legally, once the transaction is made, the Product Is Yours*, to use however you would like, and owe no further money for using it. But, you do not Own the Product. You just have the [legal] right to listen to it and use it
Our Music Is For Any Use - Business or Persona l at No Extra Costs:
Eirianlys Music Products also come with a Worldwide Royalty Free License to prove that it is Royalty Free, and you are able to use it Personally & Professionally as you so wish.
With Every CD & Download of Eirianlys Music Albums or Single Songs You Get A Legal "Royalty Free To Broadcast" License: Therefore there is No Need to pay Any PRS (Performing Right Society) or PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd) Fees Whatsoever - once you've bought your CD or Download
...It's a Great Way To Circumvent The PRS etc Fees you otherwise have to pay for Music for your Content!
The Music Is Now Yours* To Use...
- ANYWHERE FOR ANYTHING & NO EXTRA FEES — online, on websites, Content Creation, YouTube, TikTok, Videos, for Businesses, Waiting Rooms, Stores, Salons, you name it.
For Background Music in
- Offices
- Stores
- Public Areas
- Employment Spaces
- Even for [the cur-sed] "Phone Muzak"!
- Home Videos -- that are "In The Public Domain" [oh, yes, even those!]… This means anywhere online, too [unless it's locked & set to PRIVATE for you to share your video in private with whomever you give the link to]
- There's really no end to what you can do with Royalty Free Music
- This music is YOURS* to use once you've bought it -- That's the Beauty of it being ROYALTY FREE
*You Do Not Own the Product. You Own The ROYALTY FREE LICENSCE -
so you have all the [legal] right to use it "In The Public Domain" in whatever you care to use it for.